October Community Events

There are so many great ways you can come out and support the community this month. Help Ida Services in Battle Creek celebrate 40 years of business on Friday October 16th from 11:30-1:00. Everyone is welcome. ISI is serving chili and chicken noodle soup, dessert and beverages. 651 First Street in Battle Cree. Free Will Donations Appreciated!
St. Paul Lutheran Church at 100 7th Street in Ida Grove cordially invites you to: Witnessing, by video, the "Jesus Painter" Sunday October 18th, 2015 at 1:30pm. They will be unveiling his paintings that were done August 23rd at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Spirit Lake. Following the video and unveiling of the paintings there will be an ice cream social in the fellowship hall and silent auction items. Free will offering is accepted. All proceeds go to Discover Campaign Okoboji Fundraiser. Prints of paintings available for purchase.
IGCC Ladies Stagette Tuesday October 27 starting at 6:00pm. Ladies will be hunting up a good time with a little scavenger hunt IGCC style. All other details will be revealed that night. The top chef competition will also be returning. Bring a food item/appetizer and/or dessert item to share and you'll be entered to win for your chance at being crowned this year's IGCC Top Chef. RSVP by calling the club at 364-2320 by Monday, October 26 or by joining the event on Facebook. Also let the club know if you would be willing to donate to the chance booth. See you ladies there for a good time!EndFragment