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Seasonal Contracts

Need a Summer Fill or Seasonal Contract? 

Seasonal Contract. Johnson Propane offers winter contracts that start October 1st and expire on March 31st each year. Contracts are great for both agriculture businesses and family residences. If you are interested in contracting propane please give our office a call to find out this years price. Once you know the number of gallons you want contracted we will send you two copies in the mail, one for you to sign and return and the other for you to keep for your records. Winter contracts must be paid in full by cash or John Deere Financial within five business days or they become void, due to the fluxuating price of propane. If you are unable to pay in full please call our office for additional options.


Here is an example of a contract for a local farmer drying grain this year:

Contract gallons- 5,000 Contract Price- $1.50/gallon Tax- 0% Ag use

The amount paid by the farmer for the contract is $7,500.00.


What is a "summer fill"? Before contract gas is delivered it's a good idea to get your propane tank filled at the summer rate. Summer rate is usually lower because propane demand is not as great during warm weather. When the temperature drops propane is on high demand because businesses and residences are running propane appliances more often.


Start off the cold season with a full tank of propane by getting your summer fill before you contract. When you get a summer fill you will need to pay cash or with John Deere Financial within 5 business days, otherwise you do not receive the lowest price. A summer fill is considered any gas delivered before October 1st and is not included in a contract.

We accept credit cards, checks, hold checks and cash.

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